
Regenerative practices
for self and community

I help people and teams to bring regenerative practices to how they work, develop and approach endings. Through organisational design consulting, facilitation, coaching, grief tending, writing and speaking.

I dream of healing, equitable workplaces that evolve us towards joyful, restful futures. I’ve worked across the civil society ecosystem for 15 years: UK and international governments, local governments, funders and charities. Read about my previous projects and follow my work through my newsletter and LinkedIn.

Systemic change requires deep collaboration; I hardly ever work alone. I’m an Associate with Moral Imaginations, Koreo, hello brave and Kaleidoscope Health and Care. I’m part of the ecosystem of the following collectives: GreaterThan, The Decelerator, Transformational Governance, New Ways.

I’m the co-creator and co-host of Foregather. We offer gatherings and practices that connect women more deeply to creative energy, through remembering our relationship with self, community and the earth.

Alongside facilitation, consulting and coaching, I’m a writer. My monthly-ish personal newsletter, This Might Resonate, contains updates, my facilitation and organisational design writing, and culture recommendations. I also publish GriefSick, a project that explores and bears witness to chronic illness grief. Chronic illness has brought me creativity, adaptability, resilience and a deeper commitment to justice. I feel lucky to bring these gifts to my work.

I have an English Literature degree from the University of Oxford and I’m a certified coach with MOE Foundation (see further trainings below). I live in South Devon in the UK, where you’ll find me resting, hosting rituals and gatherings or in the seaside sauna. My pronouns are she/her.

“I pin my hopes to quiet processes and small circles, in which vital and transforming events take place.” — Quaker Mystic Rufus Jones (1863–1948)

Training and influences