

Emily is a beautiful collaborator, well-versed in centring and modelling all that is care-based, thoughtful, equitable, inclusive, regenerative and relational in organisational design. It's been so amazing to work with Emily. I really appreciated her breadth of in-depth knowledge of organisational design. She’s an amazing problem solver and brings a lot of pragmatism and care to complex situations. I appreciated how open she was about the learning journey she’s going on with anti-racist and anti-oppressive work (which I think she models naturally). I also think she’s a wonderful facilitator and brings a lot of useful models and concepts with her. I always feel supported collaborating with her. She leans in, talks things through and supports us to make good decisions.

Tayo Medupin, Founder of Hello Brave


Emily is incredibly skilled, intentional and flexible, a brilliant combination of traits for a coach. I would recommend working with her in a heartbeat - alone, I really don't know how long, if ever, it would have taken me to get to some of the insights we found by working together.

I felt held accountable and given structure by Emily, but it was never constricting. Instead, I was able to follow thoughts, instincts and ideas and, with Emily's support, was able to uncover and better understand hidden motivations, and nurture and grow new creative outlets. I appreciate Emily’s impact on my 2023 (and beyond) more than I can possibly say.

Coaching client (Head of Digital, large charity)


Emily’s facilitation of our workshop on designing MAIA’s Infrastructures of Care was so on point and helped keep us focused on the task, while feeling generously held and supported. We felt very witnessed and Emily was excellent at pointing out where we can strengthen elements of working together. We felt guided through the whole day, Emily held a beautiful balance of giving and taking space and stepping in when we need a bit of a nudge. She showed flexibility and responsiveness to the energy of the group, including reframing and redesigning on the go as needed, checking the team’s consent along the way. I’m in so much appreciation for Emily’s ability to hold such expansive, philosophical and practical-based conversations, while respecting time – a real masterclass of how to hold spaces of complexity with gentle integrity. It was a joy working with Emily, she’s a gem and we can’t wait to work with her again.

Amalgamated feedback from MAIA team members

Read about the work here.


Emily creates a welcoming space to explore dreams, fears and joy. She helped me to articulate compelling bigger picture goals and how they fit together. I made decisions about stepping back from my board role and moving out of London. I got clarity in what I do and don't want to do for work - and the lifestyle I want. I developed more tenderness for myself. As someone with a chronic illness, I was glad to have her supporting me when hit with a wave of fatigue. She helped me to listen to my body, celebrate the many things I was doing but taking for granted and see what was within my control. Thank you, Emily!

Coaching client (facilitator, convener, coach and consultant)


Emily and Tope [Medupin] understood from the very beginning what we needed from them. They held a balance between guiding us through a process and allowing us to come to our own clarity and conclusions. They are both fabulous space holders and facilitators and at the same time bring phenomenal skills from an organisational design perspective. I loved some of the tools Emily and Tope shared with us to help us think about priorities and trade offs in thinking of the new operations role. Emily and Tope also created a very safe space for the team to reflect together on what had been difficult. The whole relationship felt so genuine and worked so smoothly, we all remember it as a fabulous experience. The impact was that we were able to clearly articulate what our organisational needs were in terms of operations and ultimately that resulted in DEAL hiring two brilliant Operations Co- Leads! It was just such a fabulous choice to bring them both to help us at a critical time for DEAL.

Carlota Sanz, Co-founder, Strategy & Enterprise Lead at Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL)


Emily is the coach I needed. She nurtured as well as challenged me. Embarking on this journey for my business life when I was going through a lot in my personal life left me vulnerable - but Emily was understanding and accommodating. She used her skills to draw things out of me, she made me see myself as the capable and resilient leader that I am, helped me to stop accepting work and terms that are not good for me, and encouraged me to start on a new and exciting path. Emily is a healer as well as being an excellent coach.

Coaching client (independent consultant)


I’ve so appreciated working with Emily, she’s brought focus and clarity to help us reflect on our organisational operating model.  She’s encouraged, listened well, and earned the trust of our team, whilst at the same time feeding her recommendations back with real energy and courage.  She’s not afraid to say it as it is but does so with real affection for the organisation.  We’ve already started to take her advice and implement her recommendations.  She’s utterly brilliant and fun to work with as well. I recommend Emily to you with enthusiasm!

Mark Russell, CEO, The Children’s Society

Read about the work here and here


Emily listens deeply, asks great questions and holds the space to guide you to the root of issues. She works expansively and with soul, supporting you to dream and imagine the best possible working life and helping you with practical steps and ideas to get there. Emily helped me in many practical ways as I moved into a new phase of my career, to have greater confidence in my skills, to understand and to market my offer and to embed self-reflection in my working life

Advisory client